The idea behind AWA is that by putting creators first, we all benefit. Our tagline says it all: “Where the best creators do their best work, for you.” We think the quality of our original stories backs that up, and our fans, critics, and the industry seem to agree with us.

Our “Creator of the Month” program lets us spotlight a different writer, artist, colorist, letterer or more each month, allowing you to get a glimpse into what makes them tick. (What’s more, you may ask? As you may know, AWA is venturing into film and TV, so you may just see a director or other movie auteur show up on these pages over time, too!)

Creator of the Month – September
Denys Cowan

Follow Denys on Socials:
Instagram: @denyscowanart

What is your favorite comic character or fictional character of all time? Why?
Static, because my partners and I created him at Milestone, and he went on to worldwide fame! 

Who most influenced you in the world of comics?
Probably Jack Kirby

Who most influenced you outside of the world of comics?
There are too many to list — Chester Himes, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis Public Enemy…

Tell me about your favorite story/panel/art page from an AWA series you’ve worked on.
I loved working on all the pages for the series! It’s hard to pick a favorite… I like the splash pages for the series.

Tell me about a favorite story/panel/art page from an AWA series you did NOT work on.
The Cover to ILLuminati #1 by Sanford Green!

If you were a comic book character, would you rather be the hero or villain? And why?
The misunderstood villain, who’s really the hero.

What’s your favorite comic book or graphic novel?
The Dark Knight by Frank Miller

What’s your favorite moment in comics ever?
Meeting Jack Kirby and Gil Kane at the same convention

Would you rather be invisible or have the ability to fly?

Do you think you could survive in a zombie apocalypse?

Do you listen to music while you’re creating?

What is your favorite song or band?
Usually what I’m in the mood for. Today, it’s Jimi Hendrix!

What is the best advice you ever got?
“It’s not about drawing people!”

Dog person, cat person, or…?
Dog person

Where is your happy place?
My Studio

Tell us one of your guilty pleasures.
I don’t have any guilty pleasures. Mine are right out in the open for everyone to see

If you were stranded on an island with any 3 people — real or fictional, living or dead — who would you pick?
My Family

What’s the last movie you watched?
Godzilla Minus One

What’s the last comic you read?
ILLuminati #3

What is your favorite type of pizza/pizza topping?
Cheese & sausage

If you could have anything in the world for a last meal, what would it be?

What do you want fans to know about you? (Or any other question you’d like to answer that we haven’t asked!)
I prefer to remain a mystery wrapped in an enigma…lol

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