The idea behind AWA is that by putting creators first, we all benefit. Our tagline says it all: “Where the best creators do their best work, for you.” We think the quality of our original stories backs that up, and our fans, critics, and the industry seem to agree with us.

Our “Creator of the Month” program lets us spotlight a different writer, artist, colorist, letterer or more each month, allowing you to get a glimpse into what makes them tick. (What’s more, you may ask? As you may know, AWA is venturing into film and TV, so you may just see a director or other movie auteur show up on these pages over time, too!)

Creator of the Month – May
Artist: Trojan, Death Ratio’d, Afghan Star
Follow Laci on Instagram @lacicomicsart

What is your favorite comic character or fictional character of all time? Why?
My favorite comic is Alan Ford from writer-artist duo Magnus-Bunker, an Italian comic satire on social decadence. Everything that was mocked in that comic, which started coming out in 1969, is now, unfortunately, the reality in which we live.

Who most influenced you in the world of comics?
Timeless classic Alex Raymond, with his minimalistic and accurate drawing.

Who most influenced you outside of the world of comics?
My father Branislav, who allowed me to have a difference of opinion and thus built an independent and free person out of me. I am thankful to him to this day.

Tell me about your favorite story/panel/art page from an AWA series you’ve worked on.
Page 24 of Death Ratio’d. On that page the psychological drama is brilliantly described and the message of the price Death Ratio’d is summarized… Arnold’s line “Go… go Celtics!” is a heartbreaker.

Tell me about a favorite story/panel/art page from an AWA series you did NOT work on.
Frankly, I am lucky to be able to work the company whose titles I like to read. AWA produces so much brilliant stuff that I cannot single out one detail out of the abundance of first-rate material.

If you were a comic book character, would you rather be the hero or the villain? And why?
Both, because I believe no one is strictly one or the other — the world is not black and white, not even in comics.

What’s your favorite comic book or graphic novel?
My favorite comic title is Vekovnici (Ageless), a Balkans comics series created and written by Serbian writer Marko Stojanovic. Over 200 comics artists from all over Balkans have contributed to this series, which is being published all over Balkans as well. Vekovnici is unlike anything else I have ever seen in comics, and I am happy I got to be a small part of it.

What’s your favorite moment in comics ever?
The very act of creating a page.

What’s your favorite comic book genre?
Adventure with a social commentary.

Would you rather be invisible or have the ability to fly?
When I was young, I often dreamed of flying… it’s indescribable, the feeling is incredible. I would like to have that dream at least one more time.

Do you think you could survive in a zombie apocalypse?
I hope to never find out.

Do you listen to music while you’re creating?
Only instrumentals and only sometimes. Music takes me away and emotions affect the flow of my thoughts. That can be a problem since I need complete concentration while creating, because I have to continuously stay in the matter.

What is your favorite song or band?
I love music that stands the test of time.

What is the best advice you ever got?
I got a lot of advice, but I still haven’t identified the best one. I remember my father’s advice from childhood… keep self-confidence and believe in yourself at all times.

Dog person, cat person, or…?
I once received a freshly caught, beautiful wild siskin as a gift. When I came back from the bird food store, he was no longer in the cage, and the door was still closed. I don’t know how, but he broke the wire on the cage and got out looking for freedom. Our life together was incredibly short, but long enough to give me a lecture on freedom. Now I admire his progeny in the wild and own no pets.

Where is your happy place?
Wherever there are people I love.

Tell us one of your guilty pleasures.
Fishing is what fully relaxes me. However I haven’t gone fishing for a long time because of my obligations.

What’s the last comic you read?
Vekovnici Vol 13: The Choice.

If you could have anything in the world for a last meal, what would it be?
I’m not a hedonist, I can go without food (pardon the pun).

What do you want fans to know about you? (Or any other question you’d like to answer that we haven’t asked!)
I started my comic career at the age of 20, not knowing that it will take all the time in the world. I soon realized what had hit me and I literally did not work on comics for three decades… and then Marko Stojanović, the aforementioned scriptwriter and creator of Vekovnici, appeared in my life and got me back into comics. I haven’t looked back since — I didn’t have the time 🙂

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